Mind blowing books!
Mr Carbon Atom!
Please feel free to download this free pdf of Carbon's Quantum Call book. This is public domain (CC0) and can be copied and shared. The book version is however all rights reserved Mark Andrew Janes copyright 2023.
Scientist of 33 years, theoretical and experimental Carbonologist, analytical chemist, pharmaceutical inventor, teacher, modern artist (Artistic Carbonisation), publisher & author.
Carbon's World is now a live program from Canalside Radio, Bollington.
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Email: carbon@carbonbooks.net
My name is 'Carbon' ask me why?
Our aim at Carbon Books is to blow the readers mind!
Mark Andrew Janes alias
Mr Carbon Atom.
Carbon Books is the publishing company for books published by scientist Mark Andrew Janes. The books displayed are called the ‘magnificent eight'.
These books cover the broadest set of concepts from the ultimate scientific discovery, the theory of Carbonology, the blueprint of life, to 'The Secret' an acne solution book. We have science, philosophy, religion, history, a sexual revolution, fundamental secrets of the Universe (Carbonology) and mental illness.
Right click on the image and copy/paste - Mr Carbon Atom and Mark Andrew Janes, at Bosley Cloud!
The following two images are public domain with a CC0 license for use by anyone in any publication. These images are for use by journalists and scientists to promote Carbonology and Carbonism. Click the image to download the image as a jpeg. These two are promotional and form part of the advertising.
The Vironadol Protocol.
We have the ‘Vironadol Protocol,’ which is a ground-breaking book during the Covid 19 pandemic. This book suggests a new approach to curing coronavirus infections using pre-formulated medication and pre-licensed medical treatments. It also considers many other things, including a documentary about 2020 and all the global problems from riots to wildfires. Methods for stopping lockdowns and a way forward to eliminate this terrible disease.
The Hypagasm The Ultimate Orgasm.
We also have the ‘Hypagasm,’ which is a fantastic, mind-blowing experience. This is a real physical neurophysiological phenomenon; it’s is very real and very easy to produce. This experience is up to 100 times normal orgasm intensity and lasts for many minutes. It is a little bit of a shock to find this hiding inside us all this time, but it has always been there. I hope this produces a sexual revolution in the 2020s.
Carbon The Carbonologist.
We also have the ‘theory of carbonology,’ potentially the biggest scientific discovery of the 2000s. This theory suggests that the blueprint of all life in the entire Universe is the humble carbon atom. A human is in simple terms, a gigantic carbon atom; our anatomy is perfectly symmetrical to the carbon atom. In essence, the carbon model explains our anatomy and physiology and that of the animals, plants and even technology. This is the biggest concept here, and I came up with it 28 years ago, and it could revolutionise our understanding of all life in the Universe.
The Manic Depressive – The Life Of A Polarised Man.
This book is the autobiography of scientist and author Mark Andrew Janes alias Mr Carbon Atom. It goes through a complex and very difficult life, coping with severe mental illness. We look at mental illness, the psychiatry behind it and ways of living with this condition and even capitalising on its properties.
Carbonism, The Ultimate World View.
This new worldview is based on the ‘theory of Carbonology’ and the link to secular humanism. Carbonism is a new worldview which does not accept the supernatural and other religious positions. It considers life in terms of a frank and very honest position typified by Humanism. This book looks at classical religion and the collapse of my theist background. We look at history, religions of the world, social structure and function and vastly more concepts plus the power of religion.
The Carbonist Manifesto.
The ‘Carbonist Manifesto’ is a similar book to Carbonism looking into this new worldview and looking at science to drive humanity forward in the future. We also contemplate Carbonology and its abilities to explain life and the future of the human race based on strong and very honest views on life.
The Secret – Getting On Top Of Acne Once And 4 All.
Acne is a terribly debilitating condition which destroys lives and leaves people without any self-confidence. The methods in this book are very different from most of the ideas on the internet. The secret is a little bit of a surprise and dermatologists have failed to really get to the bottom of this condition. By understanding the actual cause, we can change our lifestyles to get on top of it. It is a strong scientific book and has nothing to do with diet; a common explanation for acne. The methods prescribed are based on this observation and give a sufferer control back in their lives.
So, ‘Carbon Books’ has 8 mind-blowing books with more to come in 2021. So far Mark Andrew Janes has written 14 books with 5 extra coming in the New Year 2025 to make 12 books. Our books are beautifully printed and can be obtained by clicking on the book image or going to mybestseller.co.uk and searching for the book title or the name Mark Andrew Janes. They can also be obtained through Amazon as well.
All rights are reserved on all these books copyright © 2023 by Mark Andrew Janes. It's time for humanity to embrace a new way of living and understanding life the Universe and everything and it's called Carbonology. A new world view comes out of this called Carbonism. Which is what your get if you add up the following:
Carbonology + Darwinian evolution by natural selection + Humanism = Carbonism
Our books are printed on demand by MYBESTSELLER.CO.UK.