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Human Thermodynamics - In science, Human Thermodynamics (HT) is the study of heat and work transformations involved in the processes of human existence. HT (Libb Thims) is a fusion of the following fields:


1. Particle Physics – the science of sub-atomic behaviours.

2. Human Chemistry – the science of human molecular behaviours.

3. Evolutionary Psychology – the science of human mating behaviours.

4. Thermodynamics – the science of energy transformations.


In more detail, human thermodynamics is the study of the energy and entropy aspects of the work cycles involved in human life, namely those existent between heatspontaneityirreversibility and the laws defining therein.  In short, human thermodynamics is the study of heat and its relation to the motion and changes in the equilibriums of human bodies. The essential process of thermodynamics is that whereby heat cycles through a system of chemical species, e.g. water molecules in a steam engine or human molecules in a social system (sociological thermodynamics) and thereby mediates the production of work. In simple terms, heat, in the form of gamma-ray photons, cycles from the sun, the systems are coupled economies, the chemical species are people, and the work is the work of life. The four laws of thermodynamics define the boundaries of this action.


The Encyclopaedia of Human Thermodynamics (, started in 2007, is compendium of 500+ articles on topics in human thermodynamics as well as a listing of the biographies of the dozens of pioneers of human thermodynamics as well as their theories. The Human Thermodynamics organisation is run by American chemical and electrochemical engineer and scientist from Chicago. Libb has extensively developed Human Thermodynamics by publishing papers and writing many books. Carbonology is featured in Human Thermodynamics. Libb has written and discovered many of the mechanisms and models in HT. Including his 26 element human molecule model of life. The second to calculate the empirical molecular formula for a human being, who being unaware of the work of Sterner and Elser, in September of 2002 calculated the following 26-element empirical formula: H 2.5E9 O 9.7E8 C 4.9E8 N 4.7E7  P 9.0E6 Ca 8.9E6 K 2.0E6 Na 1.9E6 S 1.6E6 Cl 1.3E6 Mg 3.0E5 Fe 5.5E4. Click the links below to find out more.


Human Thermodynamics is a powerful composition of all human knowledge and understanding.

Thermodynamics is the bed-rock of science and since life is an energy system it is ideal for understanding life.

Carbothermodynamics comes out of these systems and can be used to describe morality using simple energy models such as Gibb's equation        G=H-TS.

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